Brief Project Background
In 2018 RDAA received funding from the World Food Programme (WFP) to implement a project entitled: Food Assistance for Asset (FFA) in Maridi County, Western Equatoria State – South Sudan for a period of three years with an objective to improve food security and livelihood (FSL) support to 596 households (HH) as beneficiaries. taking the united nations’ hold number of 6 people per HH, it implies that the project ha will support 3,576 people. The project will be implemented based on four major pillars which are:
- Restoration productive capacity of arable land.
- Community infrastructure
- Natural Resource Management/Climate Change Adaptation
- Skills Development
through the four pillars, RDAA and WFP have support households that have been suffering from acute malnutrition to recover there the Cash for asset modality which involves giving cash money to a house hold to be to get all the basic household needs but also encourage them to cultivate so that they can be able to maintain a certain standard of living. As will all know, it is almost impossible to cultivate on an empty stomatch because the energy needed from cultivation comes from the food we eat. So with that at the back of our minds and that of the beneficiaries minds, the cash distributed, helped beneficiaries get the necessary food required to give them enough energy to cultivate.
Ultimately, the project’s main objective was to enable households become food secure and improve their livelihood where as while conserving the environment, creating community infrastructure and learning new agronomic skills in order to improve yields in terms of quality and quantity.
Food Assstance for Asset (FFA) Cash for Asset (CFA)Modality
Implemented in Maridi County, Western Equatoria State – South Sudan
Funding Partner

Success Story:
While Implementing the project, the project team carried out a survey of the projects impact on individual households and from there testimonies, this project came in handy in turning their lives around and helped them improve the household income levels. Among the positive impacts they expressed are:
- Being able to pay their children’s school fees
- Being able to have access to all basic household requirements like salt, sugar, soap, lighting and above all food
- Being able to pay for medical bills for them selves and their children
- Being able to easily access the market, health facilities and schools(for the pupils)
- Having enough food to take them a full year
Monitoring and Evaluation(CFA Modality)
Project Title: Food Assistance for Asset (Cash for Asset Modality) Activity: Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Location: Maridi and Ibb Counties, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan…
Restoration of Productive Capacity of Arable land(CFA Modality)
Project Title: Food Assistance for Asset (Cash for Asset Modality) Activity: Restoration of Productive capacity ariable land Location: Maridi and Ibb Counties, Western Equatoria State,…
Skills Development (CFA Modality)
Project Title: Food Assistance for Asset (Cash for Asset modality) Activity: Kills Development Location: Maridi County – W.E.S No of beneficiaries: Period: 3 Years (2018-2021)…