Project Details

Provision of Emergency Gender Based Violence (GBV) Intervention to the Conflict affected IDPs in Ezo, Tambura and Nagero Counties

 Western Equatoria State – South Sudan

Funding Partners

After the most recent wave of the tribal conflict between the Balanda and Azande people of Tambura and Nagero  Counties, The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in those respective counties increasing. Much as the conflict didn’t cover the counties entirely, caused massive displacements into the safe areas which brought in the third county which is Ezo.

As a result if this tribal conflict, people who had settled in their homes are now living in appalling conditions in the respective IDP camps which condition cought the attention of international and national humanitarian agencies to do something to re-assure the IDPS. Therefore through an ELNA assessment carried out in April 2024, RDAA and other national NGOs were selected to provide humanitarian support to the IDPs in Tambura, Nagero and Ezo Counties under the different cluster trough which international organizations channel funding to needy communities.

So with funding from IOM-South Sudan and USAID RDAA was selected under the protection cluster to implement a sic(6) months project that will provide emergency Gender Based Violence (GBV) intervention to the IDPs with women and girls survivors of GBV taking priority.

Under this project RDAA will provide, Psycho-social support, Livelihood skills training and medical support to fourth thousand five hundred (4500)IDP and host community house holds which translates to 27,000 individuals



Photo: RDAA project team carrying out a project inception meeting with the Community leaders, IDPs and the host community

Photo: Project Staff taking details of IDP information as required by the project

Photo: A project staff from Tambura field office carrying out awareness on cross cutting issues.

Photo: A project staff from Ezo field office carrying out an awareness on cross cutting issues in regards to conflict

Photo: The Head of field office in Nagero registering IDPs as he prepares to start other project activities

Photo: A project staff in Ezo county field office distributing dignity kits to vulnerable women, especially lactating mothers, elderly women

Photo: the field office team  in Tambura County distributed 1000 dignity kits to vulnerable women and girls living in the IDPs

Photo: The field office team in Nagero county distributed dignity kits to 300 vulnerable women and girls in the categories of ; lactating mothers, people with impairment, adolescent girls and elderly women

Photo: A case worker providing counseling services to a gender based violence survivor at Nambia IDP camp in Ezo County.

Photo: A case worker providing counseling services to another survivor at Nambia IDP Camp in Ezo County.

Photo: Project staff in Ezo

Photo: Support Staff from IOM South Sudan, Rapid Response Fund Unit, accompanied by RDAA Head office team on a field visit in an IDP camp in Tambura County.

Photo: Mrs. Atim Rose a donor representative from IOM South Sudan, Rapid Response Fund (RRF)Unit listening to a little girl in Manzinzi IDP Camp located in Ezo County, while Mr. Uweko Abraham an RDAA RRF project case worker listens carefully and interprets .

Photo: Mrs Atim Rose a donor representative for IOM-South Sudan under teh RRF unit taking concerns of the IDPS at Manzinzi IDP Camp in Ezo County while on a field support visit.



  • Professionalism: In outlook and approach at personal and organizational level.
  • Innovation: Being innovative in all types of services and interventions delivered
  • Role model: Community programming and being sensitive to cultural context.
  • Accountability & Transparency: In all operational work while promoting downward and upward accountability.
  • Fairness: To beneficiaries and Staff