Radio Talk Show on Yambio-FM

Activity: Radio Talk Show

Venue: Yambio – FM Yambio, Western Equatoria State

Number of Participants: Masses

Date:   26 June 2023

Partner: Government of Sweden through UNDP

Brief Story Write up

As we conclude the project for promoting peaceful co-existence and community cohesion in South Sudan funded by the government of Sweden through UNDP. Yesterday 26 June 2023, our project team conducted a talk show on Yambio FM and the point of discussion was trauma healing.

War always causes trauma which leads to leads to numerous different life threatening conditions like; stress and depression, insanity and finally death by suicide tendencies. However, with the help of professional trauma healing counselors, these lives threatening conditions can be turned around and lives saved

So in this radio talk show, the project implementing staff talked about the importance of counseling and a remedy for post conflict trauma and the best medicine for healing trauma. They highlighted the symptoms of a traumatized person and suggested ways of how they can be assisted either by them selves or through their relatives and friends

Objectives of the Activity

•      To increase  awareness on the signs and symptoms of a traumatized person

•      To Highlight the danger of trauma to an individual and his/her relations

•      To brief the general public about efforts made to support the survivors post conflict trauma

Results/Issues discussed and outcome of the Activity


  1. Listeners appreciated the programme and requested that more awareness is done
  2. Listeners requested to know where they can find trauma healing services here in Yambio
  3. Listeners inquired to know if there is a possibility of accessing a trauma reformatory center in Yambio

Issues discussed:

  • Trauma
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Possible causes
  • Trauma Healing

Recommendations and Action points

  • A trauma healing center need to be Established in all Counties in South Sudan
  •  There is need for trauma reformation centers
  •  The R-TGONU should form the CTRH as quick as possible

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