Distribution of School Uniforms

Project Title:  Extension of Provision to Promote Primary School Education

Activity: Distribution of School Uniforms

Location: Ezo County – Western Equatoria State, South Sudan

No of beneficiaries: 5,562 pupils (2,777 Boys and 2785 Girls)

Period: 1 Year (2022)

Partner: Manos Unidas

Brief Activity Story

In addition to the School materials and furniture distributed by RDAA with funding from Manos Unidas,  in three schools in Ezo County, Pupils of these schools where further given schools uniforms as shown in the pictures above and below. This was done in order to motivate the pupils to come o school thus removing the excuse of have no school uniform as a reason for not going to school. On top of that, the Uniforms boots the pupils confidence and self esteem while in school and also helps the schools and pupils to maintain disciplined on and out of school compound.

The schools that have benefited from this project include:

  1. St. Augustine Primary School
  2. Ezo Central Primary School
  3. Masumbu Primary School


Objectives of the Activity

  1. To improve learning environment for the pupils and teachers
  2. To stimulate the increase in enrollment of pupils
  3. To lay a strong foundation for the pupils starting at the grass root
  4. To give the young generation a chance for a brighter future

Expected Results


  1. Increased enrollment
  2. Improved academic performance of pupils
  3. Provision of employment opportunities to the teachers and other none teaching staff
  4. Improvement of learning environment
  5. Build intellectual for the future South Sudan

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