Final CTRH Workshop in Nzara

Activity: Awareness Workshop on CTRH

Venue: Nzara County –  Western Equatoria State

Number of Participants: 40 Participants (20 males and 20 females)

Date:   22 June 2023

Partner: UNDP & Government of Sweden

Brief Story Write up

Today 22 June 2023, we conducted our final workshop on the Commission for truth reconciliation and healing (CTRH) in Nzara County and our target group was the teachers, a group of people placed in the position to transfer knowledge. Hoping that they got the message correctly, it will reach the last person at the grass root.

like all the other workshops we have conducted, participants were very active and enthusiastic

In gratitude, they extended their sincere appreciation to the donors and implementers for considering them and requested that more of such workshops be conducted for them especially on the 2018 South Sudan revitalized peace agreement.

Objectives of the Activity

•      To introduce the project to stakeholders

•      To cultivate ownership and participation of the project

•      To explain the project in details so that stakeholders can have a clear picture

Results/Issues discussed and outcome of the Activity


  1. Participants were able to get clear information on CTRH processes
  2. The state delegates were able to interact with community members and got their concerns
  3. The workshop was very participatory and a high level of engagement realized.


Issues discussed:

  • Procure details, objectives, components and expected results
  • Sustainability and ownership by the community
  • Building on synergies in partnership


  1. Outcomes:
  2. 100 stakeholders engaged during the project launch
  3. Project explained in details and subsequence ownership by stakeholders
  4. Project visibility items such as T-shirts and banners with logs of Funders and RDAA are disposed

Recommendations and Action points

  •  Government should speed up unification of organised forces
  •  Immediate implementation of chapter 5 and translating it to local languages
  •  Formation of CTRH should be prioritised
  •  Participants appreciated UNDP for funding RDAA for such great initiatives


1 thought on “Final CTRH Workshop in Nzara”

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