Project Impact Evaluation – 2023.

Activity: Project Impact Evaluation

Venue: Ezo Central Primary School, St. Augustine Nursery and Primary School, Masumbu Nursery and Primary School and Bethlehem Beautiful Mind Nursery and Primary school all in Ezo County

Number of Participants: 2000 pupils

Date:   11 July 2023

Partner: Manos Unidas

Brief Story Write up

After the Distribution of School Materials, School Furniture, School Uniforms to the primary schools of Ezo Central Nursery and primary school, St. Augustine Nursery and primary school and Masumbu Nursery and primary schools and Construction of Temporary Learning shelters to at Bethlehem Beautiful Mind Nursery and primary schools in a project funded by Manos Unidas in 2022, this year we conducted a project impact evaluation in all the schools mentioned above in order to better understand the extend to which the support provided was helpful to the schools, teacher and pupils.

Objectives of the Activity

  • To improve learning environment conditions.
  • To improve school enrollments levels.
  • To nature morally upright intellectuals for the Republic of South Sudan
  • To help improve academic excellence

Results/Issues discussed and outcome of the Activity


  1. Learning and teaching has been made easier for both the teachers and the pupils
  2. School enrollment has sharply increased to the point that the furniture provided has become inadequate
  3. The learning environment for the school where TLSs where constructed has become more conducive
  4. Due to the uniforms provided, the pupils look more like school children than random village or town children

Issues discussed:

  • There is still need for more support especially for uniform and scholastic materials
  • There is need to provide refresher trainings for the teachers especially in English language

Recommendations and Action points

  • Increase the number of Learning structures
  •  Call for Pupils to take education seriously
  • Need for the schools to take care of the items received from the donors like TLSs and Classroom Desks

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