Radio Talk Show – Yambio FM

Activity: Radio Talk show on the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH)

Location: Yambio FM 90.0 MHZ-WES

Number of Participants: Masses

Date: 23 June  2023

Partner: Government of Sweden through UNDP

Brief Activity Story

As we come close to the end of the project for promoting peaceful co-existence and community cohesion in South Sudan funded by the government of Sweden through UNDP today 23 June 2023, our project team conducted a talk show on Yambio FM and the point of discussion was the commission for truth, reconciliation and healing (CTRH) a component of chapter five of the 2018 South Sudan revitalized peace agreement.

From previous events of civil war in neighboring countries such as; Rwanda, South Africa, Serra Leon and others, it has been tested and proven that the formation of a commission for truth reconciliation and healing is a very important component of peace agreements drafted to restore peace in those countries because through this commission, victims (Survivors) and perpetrators are brought together to say the truth, seek for forgiveness, forgive, reconcile and from there individuals and communities begin a healing process a sign of peace.

On top of that, perpetrators willingly accept their punishments and people and communities are compensated for their loses and from that justice is achieved for the survivors

However the methods of implementation might vary due to the various customs and cultures among the people of South Sudan. So this particular talk show was meant to further sensitize the civilians at the grass root so that when that time comes, they will be ready to say the truth, and reconcile so that they can allow room for healing and sustainable peace to take shape.

Objectives of the Activity

1.    To create awareness to the general public on the commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH)

2.    To educate the masses on the importance, processes and procedures of CTRH.

3. To empower the community to clearly understand their roles in CTRH processes.

Results/Issues discussed and outcome of the Activity


  1. The audience/public was able to get clear concepts on healing and reconciliation
  2. Community members were able to raise their concerns in regards to healing and reconciliation
  3. The radio talk show was very participatory as listeners were able to call the studio line and asked questions that were answered by the guests

 Issues discussed:

  1. Understanding healing and reconciliation looking at the peace building perspective
  2. Importance of healing and reconciliation
  3. Public views in regards to healing and reconciliation considering a post conflict perspective


  1. A multitude of the community understands the importance of healing and reconciliation.
  2. The community in Yambio and Western Equatoria State at large are made aware of their roles in working on healing and reconciliation as a component of the CTRH

Recommendations and Action points


1.  Callers appealed to RDAA to extend such programs to other areas as well

2.  Callers appreciated RDAA and UNDP disseminating the peace agreement especially chapter 5.

3. Government was encouraged by callers to prioritise peace over their interests/positions


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