Project Details
From victimhood to empowered citizens: survivors of Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV), as change agents in their communities in Western Equatoria
In Western Equatoria State – South Sudan
Funding Partner


Since November 13 2013 South Sudan has continued to experience civil unrest which as damaged the social fabric of South Sudanese as a people. One of the groups badly affected by the conflict are women and children. Subjected to rape and gang rape, and other forms of torture most of the women who were captured or abducted during the conflict are suffering from trauma and rejection at the same time.
signing of the recent 2018 South Sudan revitalized peace agreement after the failed agreement in 2016, there has been relative peace which has allowed some of the captives to return home and start life afresh. Given the underlying trauma they have under gone while in captivity, life is almost unbearable
With funding from European Union through United nations Mission In South Sudan (UNMISS), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Rural Development Action Aid(RDAA) 195 women who returned from captivity as survivors of conflict related sexual violence (CRSV) have received support to help them start a new life.

Photo: A project staff interviewing one of the prospective beneficiaries to a certain if she is indeed a survivor of conflict related sexual violence. Before putting her on the list of those who will benefit from the support

Photo: A project staff on ground verifying the list of prospective beneficiaries selected by the assessment team before starting the implementation of the project.

Photo: Selected Beneficiaries attending a session of advanced livelihood skills training as conducted by the project manager. A fundamental project implementation component which will help them use the learn skills well later.

Photo: A beneficiary receiving her bicycle as a for psycho-social support, package to helping her and others to be able to attend the project activities without any excuses since most of them are not living near the training center.

Photo: A project staff provides individual counseling to a beneficiary as she tells her story while in captivity and after returning home.

Photo: Shows a joint monitoring and evaluation (M&E) team carrying out a project mid-year joint M&E exercise as a project requirement, in order to gauge whether the project objectives are being achieved.

Photo: Shows a joint monitoring and evaluation (M&E) team carrying out a project End-year joint M&E exercise as a project requirement, in order to gauge whether the project objectives are being achieved before finally the project period comes to an end.

Photo: The project legal officer, conducting a legal awareness session for the project beneficiaries
(Survivors of Conflict Related sexual violence (CRSV)) in the process equipping them with legal knowledge about their rights and how they can get legal assistance and justice.

Photo: Mr. Wanga Emmanuel (the Project Manager) facilitating for the community members during a community awareness campaign as one of the project activities, to level the ground for the Survivors of CRSV so that they can be accepted back into their communities and protected as well by their communities.

Photo: Community members that attended the community awareness campaign as one of the project activities, taking part in a group work as a component of the community awareness.

Photo: A group picture of some of the project staff on ground just before conducting the activities for the commemoration of the international day for eliminating sexual violence against women during conflict at one of the project implementation sites.

Photo: Survivors of Conflict Related sexual violence under the project receiving their startup kits to help them put the livelihood skills training to use in order to improve their livelihood.

Photo: A project beneficiary that chose tailoring as her business/livelihood skill perfecting the skills acquired on the sowing machine she received as a startup kit. Picture taken while conducting mid year joint Monitoring and evaluation.

Photo: A project beneficiary that took restaurant business as her livelihood skill at her restaurant preparing food for her customers. Picture taken during mid year joint monitoring and evaluation exercise.
Project Impact Evaluation

After the Implementation of the project that supported survivors of CRSV in Ezo County, there was need for a project impact evaluation. This activity was led by Ms Anna Michael (lady in blue checked shirt) and Consultant with UNMISS and UNDP who met both the beneficiaries and stakeholders as well
Besides the beneficiaries, for complete information, the consultant, Ms Anna Michael also met stakeholders as we were carrying out the project impact implementation as shown in the picture above.
Construction of a Women Friendly Centre in Andari, Ezo County

Part of the project was the construction of a Women Friendly Center in Andari Payam. This center is meant to provide a safe space for the women to continue their healing process. Besides that they will use this center as a meeting point in case they wish to deliberate upon certain matters pertaining women. The center has a counseling room and will there fore provide counseling services to both the survivors of CRSV and other women who will need the services.

- Professionalism: In outlook and approach at personal and organizational level.
- Innovation: Being innovative in all types of services and interventions delivered
- Role model: Community programming and being sensitive to cultural context.
- Accountability & Transparency: In all operational work while promoting downward and upward accountability.
- Fairness: To beneficiaries and Staff