Distribution of School Materials

Project Title:  Extension of Provision to Promote Primary School Education

Activity: Distribution of School Materials

Location: Ezo County – W.E.S

No of beneficiaries: 5,562 pupils (2,777 Boys and 2,785  Girls)

Period: I Year (2022)

Partner: Manos Unidas

Brief Story Write up

In the Bid to improve the quality and standard of education in South Sudan, this year (2022)Manos Unidas a partner based in spain through Rural Development Action Aid (RDAA) has funded a project to support pupils in four schools in Ezo County Namely:

  • St. Augustine Primary School
  • Ezon Central Primary School
  • Masumbu Primary School
  • Bethlehem Beautiful Mind Nursery and Primary school

with school materials such as

  1. Books
  2. Pens
  3. Pencils
  4. Chalk
  5. Sanitation containers
  6. Classroom desks
  7. School uniforms
  8. Scheme book
  9. Sports kits
  10. Chalk boards
  11. Class room Desks
  12. Temporary Learning Shelters (TLSs)

The project is intended to improve the learning environment, learning conditions for both the pupils and staff and create an opportunity for development of future intellectual thus giving a chance to positive change in South Sudan

Along with the construction  will come school furniture like classroom desks for the pupils and tables and chairs for the teachers.

Pictures: picture 1 show the head teacher of one of the primary schools receiving school materials and picture 2 shows pupils using the books distributed to take notes

Objectives of the Activity

  1. To improve learning environment for the pupils and teachers
  2. To stimulate the increase in enrollment of pupils
  3. To lay a strong foundation for the pupils starting at the grass root.
  4. To give the young generation a chance for a brighter future

Expected Results


  1. Increased enrolment
  2. Improved academic performance of pupils
  3. Provision of employment opportunities to the teachers and other none teaching staff
  4. Improvement of the learning environment
  5. Build intellectual for the future of South Sudan
  6. Transformation of the communities mind-set in regards to development and peaceful co-existence

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