Project Launch – 2023.

Activity: Project Launch

Venue: Nanzaga Primary School Tambura

Number of Participants: Masses

Date:   23 January 2023

Partner: UNMISS

Brief Story Write up

As South Sudan struggles to find its footing as the world’s youngest nation, it can not do it alone. United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has been a major supporting partner in its journey to attaining sustainable peace and development. UNMISS has worked with different NNGOs and CBOs in different thematic areas as it tries to contribute to the sustainable peace and development.

Education being a major pillar in the development of any nation regardless of the education system, in 2023, UNMISS Funded a quick impact project for the construction of a three classroom block and Staff office at Nanzaga primary school in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State, a project we (RDAA) are privileged to implement as our 19th quick impact project funded by UNMISS

Today we launch the project at Nanzaga primary in a ceremony graced by the Hon. Commissioner Tambura county and some of his staff, The funding partners, pupils and the entire community at large


Objectives of the Activity

  • To improve learning environment conditions.
  • To improve school enrollments levels.
  • To nature morally upright intellectuals for the Republic of South Sudan
  • To help improve academic excellence

Results/Issues discussed and outcome of the Activity


  1. Improve enrollment of pupils in the school
  2. Improve leaning and teaching environment
  3. Improved performance of pupils and school at large

Issues discussed:

  • Need for more classrooms
  • Need for qualified teachers

Recommendations and Action points

  • Increase the number of Learning structures
  •  Call for Pupils to take education seriously
  • Provide refresher courses for the teacher
  • Supporting the school with learning materials

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