Restoration of Productive Capacity of Arable land(CFA Modality)

Project Title:  Food Assistance for Asset (Cash for Asset Modality) Activity: Restoration of Productive capacity ariable land Location: Maridi and Ibb Counties, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan No of beneficiaries: 776 HHs Period: 3 years (2019 – 2021) Partner: WFP Brief Story Write up At the start of the project’s implementation, after the selection of

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Skills Development (CFA Modality)

Project Title:  Food Assistance for Asset (Cash for Asset modality) Activity: Kills Development Location:  Maridi County – W.E.S No of beneficiaries: Period: 3 Years (2018-2021) Partner: WFP Brief Activity Story After the signing of the signing of the 2018 South Sudan revitalized peace agreement, there were signs of relative peace in most parts of South

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