Restoration of Productive Capacity of Arable land(CFA Modality)

Project Title:  Food Assistance for Asset (Cash for Asset Modality)

Activity: Restoration of Productive capacity ariable land

Location: Maridi and Ibb Counties, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan

No of beneficiaries: 776 HHs

Period: 3 years (2019 – 2021)

Partner: WFP

Brief Story Write up

At the start of the project’s implementation, after the selection of beneficiaries, in the presence of the county stakeholders, they were taken through a project induction process in which the objectives of the project and how it will be implemented where all clearly explained and understood.

After the first cash distribution, HHs immediately started preparing the farms for cultivation. This process involved land clearance, cultivation and planting which was spiced up by introduction of modern agronomic skills like line spacing  and how many seeds should be placed in the ground, post harvest handling  and storage among others

Objectives of the Activity

  1. To improve household food security and livelihood
  2. To reduced gender based violence cases due to lack of food
  3. To help improve crops yields both in terms of quality and quantity
  4. To ensure that the capacity of arable land is improved

Expected Results


  1. Increased food
  2. Improved nutrition
  3. Reduced gender based violence cases
  4. Improved crops yields
  5. Increase a household’s ability to sustain the standard of living
  6. Introduction of better agronomic skills

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