Monitoring and Evaluation(CFA Modality)

Project Title:  Food Assistance for Asset (Cash for Asset Modality)

Activity: Joint Monitoring and Evaluation

Location: Maridi and Ibb Counties, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan

No of beneficiaries: 776 HHs

Period: 3 years (2019 – 2021)

Partner: WFP

Brief Story Write up

Bearing in mind that the soil in Maridi and Ibba County is very fertile and very good for agriculture, the project so it fit to introduce a Cash for Asset modality (CFA) of the Food Assistance for Asset (FFA) project, a modality through which the FFA distributes money to 596 households (HH), as a means of helping them improve their food security and livelihood. With this money, beneficiaries will be able to afford most of the basic HHs requirements besides paying their children to school and afford medical care as they dedicate most of their time into cultivation.

As shown in the pictures above and below, a joint monitoring and evaluation team comprising of Staff from WFP, RDAA and government stakeholders inspect beneficiaries HHs who were small farmers turned into great farmers and witnessed an increase in the amount of food they harvest, as a group the beneficiaries developed community assets such as opening community access roads which allowed them and partners access to and from the markets, health facilities and schools for the children.

Objectives of the Activity

  1. To improve household food security and livelihood
  2. To reduced gender based violence cases due to lack of food
  3. To help improve crops yields both in terms of quality and quantity
  4. To ensure that the capacity of arable land is improved

Expected Results


  1. Increased food
  2. Improved nutrition
  3. Reduced gender based violence cases
  4. Improved crops yields
  5. Increase a household’s ability to sustain the standard of living
  6. Introduction of better agronomic skills

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